Monday, September 1, 2008

First Cheney, Now Palin

I don't have much to say about Bristol Palin's pregnancy.  Actually, I have two things to say.   One, is it just me or does it seem inappropriate for any parent to run for Vice President when they have a five-month old baby - with Down's or not - AND have a pregnant seventeen-year-old daughter who - if Palin is to believed - is also planning her wedding?  Not exactly putting her family first here, but I guess Mr. Palin is a HELL of a guy.

And two, Americans probably already do this, but we should always assume that holy rollers like Palin are hypocrites. First we had Cheney, who helps preside over a party that gay bashes every chance they get while having a lesbian daughter.  Now we have back to back vice presidential hypocrites with Palin's daughter vividly demonstrating that abstinence does not work.  As irresponsible as it is to go on the road campaigning while your country song lyrics family is at home,  it's almost more irresponsible to allow a 17-year-old carry a baby to term. 

1 comment:

Carolina Christine said...

This is sensitive ground, Athan. Yes, my gut reaction was nausea at the idea of her campaigning for Veep as the mother of an infant, but Mr. Palin is the full-time caregiver--can we fault her for going for such a high political position? It might be Gov. Palin's big chance. Would a man pass that up? What gets me is imagining the reaction if it were a Democratic candidate. And are Democrats hypocrites for lambasting a working mom? I think Obama is wise to say "don't go there." There is enough bad policy on Gov. Palin's side to lambaste her with--her political views are horrible enough to focus on, including her support for abstinence only sex ed.