Saturday, March 14, 2009

Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart was brilliant during his Thursday night interview of Jim Cramer.  As you know, Cramer hosts 'Mad Money' on CNBC and his show's tag line is 'In Cramer We Trust.'  

Two things in particular made Stewart mad.   One, more than once Cramer claimed his show was 'entertainment.'  That really set Stewart off, who pointed out that the show's tag line contradicts the notion that 'Mad Money' is mere entertainment.  He reminded Cramer that lots of people took his advice and watch the show for that, not for entertainment.

Two, Stewart repeatedly asked why shows like his - and all the other financial shows and networks - drank Wall Street's Kool-Aid and were not more skeptical about the risks taken by financial institutions.  

In doing so, The Daily Show made the usually cocky and buffoonish Cramer simply buffoonish.  It was brilliant television.  It was also a reminder that the satirical fake news show - with fart jokes, etc. - is often times the ONLY show on television that is skeptical and hard charging on the big issues facing America.  

Jon Stewart was also hilarious on Letterman last week discussing the financial networks.  


Anonymous said...

While I enjoy watching Cramer every night, one must remember the show is primarily entertainment. The financial networks exist to promote their advertisers financial and investment products. Who would expect them to warn about the credit bubble or coming Washington national debt collapse which will destroy much of the remaining private wealth in America today or what this will do to the dollar, the stock market, bonds, gold or the real estate market?

China is now worried about their dangerous over investment in US Treasury obligations. Washington ’s long-term choice is either repudiation or monetization. For monetization to be effective, the depreciation in the dollar would have to be substantial and this in turn would dramatically raise prices of imports for American consumers which would mean a tremendous drop in foreign imports. Debt monetization would cause more disruption to exporting nations than selective repudiation of Treasury debt.

The Campaign to Cancel the Washington National Debt By 12/22/2013 Constitutional Amendment is starting now in the U.S. See:


Ron with 30 plus years in the investment business and banking industry.

Anonymous said...

While I enjoy watching Cramer every night, one must remember the show is primarily entertainment. The financial networks exist to promote their advertisers financial and investment products. Who would expect them to warn about the credit bubble or coming Washington national debt collapse which will destroy much of the remaining private wealth in America today or what this will do to the dollar, the stock market, bonds, gold or the real estate market?

China is now worried about their dangerous over investment in US Treasury obligations. Washington ’s long-term choice is either repudiation or monetization. For monetization to be effective, the depreciation in the dollar would have to be substantial and this in turn would dramatically raise prices of imports for American consumers which would mean a tremendous drop in foreign imports. Debt monetization would cause more disruption to exporting nations than selective repudiation of Treasury debt.

The Campaign to Cancel the Washington National Debt By 12/22/2013 Constitutional Amendment is starting now in the U.S. See:


Ron with 30 plus years in the investment business and banking industry.

Athan said...

Wha? He's not a fan of CHB Blog?