Monday, October 11, 2010

Ads on CHB

As some of you have noticed, and a few have even commented publicly, I run Google Ads on my blog. So far, I think I have raised 149 pennies as a result, money I have plowed back into the site.  

Most of the ads are for Dish Network, Toyota (both of which I have mentioned in talking about Greek TV and our car, I guess) and usually the ads are for Carolina merchandise, Ranger Rick has gotten some traffic on there, and vacations to Greece.

But somehow, I assume via my critiques and frustrations with the U.S. Senate, some Republican ads have run.  Even though I recently belittled capitalism and always use the term 'tea baggers,' an ad for '39 seats in 39 days' popped up on my blog.  And two months ago I received a fund raising letter from non-other than Sharron Angle.

Wacky weird stuff.  So for all those bots that search blogs I'll say it again: capitalism stinks, right-wing boobs stink and tea baggers stink (and just to be gratuitous, Dukies like Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Ken Starr, Richard Nixon, and Elizabeth Dole really stink; though I have to admit the Paul boys make Nixon and Dole look like, you know, reasonable people).

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