Saturday, January 16, 2010

One last Arenas post (but with a Krugman shout-out this time)

I think Gilbert Arenas was incredibly stupid, way to glib about guns and DC gun laws, and probably should have his contract terminated.  But should he go to jail? No.

It's interesting that one of the many backdrops to this story has been hearings held by the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (chaired by Greek-American Phil Angelidis) regarding bank bail-outs, the mess on Wall Street, and the culture that led to the recent financial meltdowns.  For a more articulate take on Wednesday's hearing, check out Paul Krugman's recent op-ed.

If we're looking to send anyone to jail it should be from Wall Street.  To my knowledge not a single Wall Street banker, etc. has been held responsible for losing trillions of dollars of wealth, wealth from average Americans' pension funds, retirement and savings.  All these losses could have been prevented with more oversight, more responsibility, and more accountability.

If we're looking to send someone scofflaw to jail I say look on Wall Street, not in the Wizards' locker room.*

* Though Javaris Crittendon looks jail-eligible for actually waving a loaded gun in the locker room.  I also believe he once interned at Goldman Sachs, so he'd be a two-fer.

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